
SKU Size Botanical Name Common Name On Hand
VACANF03G #3 Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush Blueberry Call for Availability
VERENDBLEP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Endurascape™ Blue' 102
VERENDDAPP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Endurascape™ Dark Purple' 137
VERENDPBIP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Endurascape™ Pink Bicolor' 32
VERHPUP40 4" Pot Verbena 'Homestead Purple' 71
VERLARP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Lanai Red' 72
VERMHRP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Magelana™ Hot Rose' 136
VERMVTP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Magelana™ Violet' 42
VERSBTP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Superbena® Stormburst' 60
VERSUOP45 4.5" Pot Verbena 'Superbena® Whiteout™' 69
VEOSWG02G #2 Vernonia 'Summer Swan Song' Ironweed 7
VEONOV01G #1 Vernonia noveboracensis Iron Weed 9
VENPEDGEB01G #1 Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' Speedwell 217
VENMBM02G #2 Veronica spicata 'Moody Blues™ Mauve' Speedwell 14
VENSPIRFO01G #1 Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' Speedwell 54
VECVIN01G #1 Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root 25
VECVIN02G #2 Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root 22
VIBCAL05G #5 Viburnum carlesii Koreanspice Viburnum 8
VIBDNTBMU03G #3 Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin®' Arrowwood Viburnum 10
VIBNUDBRN03G #3 Viburnum nudum 'Brandywine™' Call for Availability
VIBNUDWIN05G #5 Viburnum nudum 'Winterthur' 10
VIBPTOMAR03G #3 Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Mariesii' Doublefile Viburnum Call for Availability
VIBPTOSHS03G #3 Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Shasta' Doublefile Viburnum Call for Availability
VIBPTOSSN03G #3 Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Summer Snowflake' Doublefile Viburnum Call for Availability
VIBXBU05G #5 Viburnum x burwoodii 7
VIBPRA10G #10 Viburnum x pragense Prague Viburnum 10
VIBPRA03G #3 Viburnum x pragense Prague Viburnum Call for Availability
VIBXRHALL10G #10 Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' 10
VIBXRHALL03G #3 Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' Call for Availability
VINCCWB10 10" Basket Vinca annual 'Cora® Cascade Strawberry' 36
VINCCWP45 4.5" Pot Vinca annual 'Cora® Cascade Strawberry' 19
VINCRAHGTF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Cora® XDR Hotgenta' 12
VINCRAHGTF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Cora® XDR Hotgenta' 28
VINCRALPNF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Cora® XDR Light Pink' 9
VINCRALPNF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Cora® XDR Light Pink' 28
VINCRARPHF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Cora® XDR Rose Punch' 14
VINCRARPHF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Cora® XDR Rose Punch' 27
VINSFLSGNP45 4.5" Pot Vinca annual 'Soiree® Flamenco Salmon Glow' 104
VINTTOBCEF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Tattoo™ Black Cherry' 9
VINTTOBYYF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Tattoo™ Blueberry' 9
VINTTOPAYF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Tattoo™ Papaya' 14
VINTITAPRF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Apricot' 16
VINTITAPRF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Apricot' 18
VINTITBLSF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Blush' 16
VINTITBLSF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Blush' 24
VINTITBGMF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Bubblegum Mixture' 36
VINTITBUGF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Burgundy' 12
VINTITBUGF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Burgundy' 13
VINCTITDKRF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Dark Red' 12
VINCTITDKRF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Dark Red' 26
VINTITLBHF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Lavender Blue Halo' 22
VINTITLBHF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Lavender Blue Halo' 2
VINTITMIXF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Mix' 9
VINTITMIXF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Mix' 2
VINTITPDTF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Polka Dot' 24
VINTITPDTF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Polka Dot' 23
VINTITWHIF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Pure White' 19
VINTITWHIF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Pure White' 21
VINTITRHLF18 Flat of 18 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Rose Halo' 12
VINTITRHLF36 Flat of 36 Vinca annual 'Titan™ Rose Halo' 13
VINMJRP40 4" Pot Vinca major Vinca Vine 16
VINMIN01G #1 Vinca minor Periwinkle, Myrtle 50
VINMINBOW01G #1 Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety' Periwinkle, Myrtle 98
VINMINBOWP40 4" Pot Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety' Periwinkle, Myrtle 103
VINMINBOWFLA Flat of 50 Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety' Periwinkle, Myrtle 5
VINMINSSI01G #1 Vinca minor 'Sterling Silver' Periwinkle, Myrtle 9
VITACA03G #3 Vitex agnus-castus Chaste Tree Call for Availability
WEIFWN03G #3 Weigela florida 'Fine Wine®' 25
WEIMWN03G #3 Weigela florida 'Midnight Wine®' Call for Availability
WEIMYN03G #3 Weigela florida 'My Monet®' 5
WEIFLORPR03G #3 Weigela florida 'Red Prince' Call for Availability
WEISDW03G #3 Weigela florida 'Spilled Wine®' 10
WEIFLOVAD03G #3 Weigela florida 'Variegata' Call for Availability
WEIFLOWAR03G #3 Weigela florida 'Wine & Roses®' Call for Availability
XANSMP01G #1 Xanthorhiza simplicissima Yellowroot Call for Availability
ZELSEAVIL0BB225 2-2.5" B&B Zelkova serrata 'Village Green' 5
ZINPRFCHRF18 Flat of 18 Zinnia 'Profusion Cherry' 15
ZINPRFMIXF36 Flat of 36 Zinnia 'Profusion Mix' 14
ZINPRFORAF18 Flat of 18 Zinnia 'Profusion Orange' 29
ZINPRFYELP90 9" Pot Zinnia 'Profusion Yellow' Call for Availability
ZINPRFYELF18 Flat of 18 Zinnia 'Profusion Yellow' Call for Availability
ZINZMIF36 Flat of 36 Zinnia 'Zahara® Mix' 29